2022 is the Year to Apply Pandemic-Lessons Learned for Future Success
Credit: @kim_379
The pandemic has changed a lot of the ways we go about our lives day to day, forcing people to adapt to changes in the workplace, living situations, lifestyles, relationships and more. These changes have inherently affected almost everyone. For so many, it seems as though these changes have forced them to come to terms with the fact that they are dissatisfied with some or possibly many aspects of their lives. This blog is all about what those feelings represent and how we can become more present to create the positive change we want and NEED!
Without a doubt, the pandemic has caused a massive amount of suffering in many ways. Aside from the immediate devastation that comes along with a deadly illness like this, there is additional suffering that has come from all the upheaval and change that has occurred while adjusting to living with it. Many of these shifts have caused people to become much more isolated than before, all while some are dealing with changing careers, confronting difficult relationship issues, personal and mental health issues, questioning and exploring spiritual beliefs, etc. It is simply too much change for people to go through at once without feeling depressed or overwhelmed by the roller coaster ride life is throwing at us. Certainly, it is important for anyone who is struggling to find access to therapy or a support group if they feel they need support or guidance.
The pandemic has left most of us sitting around to deal with our lives as they are, with limited distraction and with limited opportunity for escape. Because our lifestyles have changed, it has brought about a different awareness. For example, many people realized that the relationship they were in only ever worked before because both of them spent just enough time apart to be unaware they weren’t really compatible long term. Some people became sick of relying on a measly paycheck from a company that would easily replace them if met with any inconvenience or opportunity to cut costs. Others had to come to terms with serious other personal issues in their life—past traumas, substance abuse, mental health breakdowns, feeling lost, or wanting to change spiritually…you name it. It’s almost as if so many of us suddenly remembered to feel feelings, or there was a glitch in the matrix where we saw things more as they were—whatever you want to call it. This has all forced a lot of people to push the hard reset button on life, and they really might be better for it. With that, the increased rate of people with mental health crises is real, and making sure to seek appropriate treatment is of the utmost importance for anyone who is struggling.
Much of the discomfort that comes along with realizing there is unhappiness is simply a strong signal that it’s time to make a change. There is some additional discomfort in addressing what needs to change most of the time, as well as actually following through with creating that change. But, what’s your alternative? Going through life continuing to make the same choices, see the same results and feel the same unhappiness? It seems illogical, but a staggering amount of people don’t find the courage to do what they need to do for themselves, to change their perspective and create a reality that is more aligned with them. At times, it is much easier to just do, do, do, (whatever it is they’ve been doing) rather than taking the time to consider what they really want out of life and direct their focus accordingly. Life will still be hard, but eventually it will begin to look the way you envisioned, or the way it was meant to be improved, and that will be worth the effort.
The change could look like a bunch of different things for different people, obviously. Much of discovering happiness in life is trying new things, learning about a new topic, or how to create something yourself. Humans are meant to learn and create! Finding things and people that are more aligned with you in life is scary at times, but also exciting and rewarding! I encourage you in this new year to commit to ongoing change moving forward. Whether it’s working on yourself in preparation for meeting the love of your life, working on getting more fit and connected with your body, spirituality, or exploring new career options, etc.—you deserve it! Just remember that it will not be without challenge, and it will be much easier to quit at times, but persistence always pays off, in results, new opportunities, and character depth.
Happy New Year from Resolve Mediation!