Choices: All About Finding Balance in Life
Credit: @patrickfore
As we get older, some of us start to feel a disconnect between who we are naturally and the way we have been living our lives. There are a number of reasons why, as it’s rarely ever just one. We have to start asking ourselves the right questions in order to think about the changes we want to make for ourselves and ultimately take some risks to get to where we want to be. In many ways, it’s about consistency in our daily choices.
The most common issues people have with happiness and fulfillment are usually rooted in their occupation and relationships. Of course, making changes in these areas of life can be more challenging. However, once one finds the courage to do so, the door can open to many amazing possibilities!
Not all of us are made to be working for someone else, in an office, for a large corporation, or in a career path different from our true interests—doing whatever it is we thought we were supposed to be doing when we went into it. There’s nothing wrong with the realization that you’re not happy, this is truly a blessing in disguise. Knowing how you feel is half the battle sometimes. Better to realize it and take steps toward your happiness and freedom than live the rest of your days not knowing what it would have been like. You actually have the power to build the life you want to live!
Likewise, if we are unhappy with our relationships (family, friends or lovers) these situations will not improve themselves. Failing to end relationships that make you unhappy or are very unequal in respect and reciprocation is a major disservice to yourself and potentially, the other party as well. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to create healthy boundaries, foster a new dynamic or even remove people from your life if those things cannot be achieved—for the sake of your health and success.
There likely needs to be an acceptance process: acceptance that you don’t like the way things are and you want to change them. Of equal importance, but better to acknowledge going in is that some of the changes you may need to make will be incredibly difficult. There’s another acceptance that may also be necessary, one that is upsetting and unexpected at times: acceptance that not everyone in your life will support the changes you’re making in your life, or the boundaries you are creating with them for your own sake. Not everyone makes a self improvement journey with us—it’s one of the most painful lessons I myself have had to learn as I’ve gotten older. However, it is most important to know that you have the right to personal happiness and fulfillment, but most importantly, you and you alone are responsible for your own happiness.
There’s no getting around the fact that undergoing major life changes, even great ones, are very stressful and emotionally draining at times. Staying grounded and focused is a necessary part of making good decisions for yourself. Very regular exercise, a moderately clean diet and meditation should really be part of your life starting right now, if it’s not already. Building a base of mental clarity, strength and physical fitness are very important for all people. Many who exercise regularly report that they make better decisions and manage stress better when in that routine. Meditation is not only relaxing, but helps us envision and manifest the life we want to live. It is also important to make room for quality time with those you love and personal activities that inspire you and make you happy. These things aren’t just luxuries we should partake in when we have a moment. Moments come and go and get filled with other things quickly once you become happier and love what you do.
Maybe you’re not exactly sure what needs to change yet and that’s okay. You can think, talk, research and experiment to find those answers. Once you’ve figured some things out and start taking steps, you will be able to rise to face any hardships that come your way because you’ll be a much happier person. No matter what road it leads you down, it will be worth it!